Miguel Milá (1931,) winner of the Spanish National Design Prize in 1987, is one of the country’s undisputed masters of industrial design. A member of the generation of pioneers from the 1950s, he helped lay the foundations of this discipline through the creation of furniture and lamps that have become true design classics. The pieces by this heir to the Modern Movement recreate the poetry of the simple object and respond to the need to create with rigor and honesty at all times. Through Milá’s work, José Corredor-Matheos recounts with sensitive accuracy the bold adventure of launching industrial design in Spain. The text acquires one of Miguel Milá finest virtues: the ability to reach a perfect balance in a seriously imperfect setting, achieving precision and lucidity. Thus, words and images are a continuum without fissures, revealing this great master’s enormous contribution, to which subsequent generations are truly indebted.
Producent | José Corredor-Matheos |
Språk | Engelska/Spanska |
Mått | 28.6 cm x 24 cm |
ISBN | 84-8301-489-0 |
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